Movies are more than just something to do; they can actually be good for your psyche. Movies are something people do just in their spare time, and this perception has persisted down the years. While it’s true that spending too much time in front of a screen can have bad effects, it’s still important to strike a balance between your professional and personal lives by engaging in activities outside of work. The benefits of the movies to one’s mental health from watching movies are numerous.
Elevated spirts
Watching a movie can help lift your spirits, whether you’re dealing with an anxiety disorder, depression, or just plain tension and worry because of job and family obligations. Indulging in pastimes like watching movies, according to a 2016 study, can improve mood, lessen depressive symptoms, and improve mental health issues of emotional intelligence.
According to research published in 2017, engaging in pleasurable diversions and entertainment before bed may enhance sleep quality, calmness, and regenerative abilities. Watching a film to unwind can be less of a hassle than you imagine. It might be best to avoid any interruptions during the film. If you find it difficult to unplug from work and other stresses of daily life, you may want to put your phone and other devices in a different room or put them in “do not disturb” mode. If you don’t have any distractions, you can give your full attention to the story you’re reading, which could improve your experience. A “rom-com,” or romantic comedy, can be a welcome distraction after a long day and a welcome deviation.
Movies have the potential to inspire in a variety of ways. Taking a mental break to do something you enjoy will help you return to work with renewed vigor and energy. If the movie shows a character actively chasing after their dreams, it may inspire you to do the same. A study from 2020 suggests that it could also motivate you to take up a new hobby or work towards a new objective. Relationships bolstered by a dependable source have psychological benefits of their own.
Watching a movie together can be a great way to reconnect with your significant other, your closest friend, or even a child if you’ve been feeling distant from them. Choosing a new film to watch together, especially if you share similar tastes, could be a great experience. You may strengthen your friendship by viewing a movie together and then talking about romantic movies.
Eased tension
A funny movie could help you relax after a rough day. Stress chemicals, including cortisol and adrenaline, are decreased in response to laughter, according to research published in 2016. Those who aren’t in the mood to be amused should switch to a dramatic or emotional film.
A research due out in 2020 found that shedding some tears may also lower blood cortisol. Films dealing with challenging topics may provide a welcome mental challenge. If you want to learn more about a current social topic or present an alternative viewpoint, a movie can help you do both.
How does the use of films in therapy work?
Movies can be used as therapy in addition to being entertainment and a distraction from a trying day. On occasion, psychotherapy will incorporate the use of film or video. A 2021 study suggests that this method of therapy could be used to help you empathize with a fictional character going through the same feelings that you are. Reliable Reference It could lead you to rethink your situation and discover fresh ways to deal with the challenges you’re facing when you watch documentaries, sad films, and horror movies.
Your therapist may choose to show you an appropriate commercial or documentary film. It has been suggested that watching a film about a troubled romance could help improve one’s own love relationships. A variety of therapeutic activities can also be assigned to the audience before, during, and after the show. The type of movie you end up seeing, as well as its tone and subject matter, will depend on your own situation.
Let’s review
Enjoyable activities, such as watching movies, can be therapeutic. It may improve interpersonal connections, stress levels, and psychological health. Watching movies, though, won’t help your mental health in any way. A mental health expert may be able to help you if your symptoms are making it difficult to function normally. They might be able to tell if your needs and lifestyle are a good fit for movie therapy.
Benefits of watching movies
Do not let your sadness, isolation, or bad thoughts fester if you are experiencing any of the above. Try not to keep them indoors all day, where they’ll just feel worse and worse. Watching movies is a great method to escape stressful thoughts and maybe even come up with a solution. Movies aren’t just entertainment; they can also help you heal. If you still don’t believe us, you can always Google “movie treatment.” If the recent coronavirus outbreak has kept you cooped up inside your house, you may be interested in reading about the top 10 reasons why you should start viewing more movies.
Generally beneficial effects on health
How familiar are you with the concept of “movie therapy”? Cinematic expression therapy (cinematherapy) is utilized for both physical and mental health problems (movie therapy). A person’s negative outlook, bad behaviors, and resilience to adversity can all be improved by this treatment. Those participating in cinema therapy see films that address issues they’re facing in their lives. University of Maryland cardiologist Dr. Michael Miller claims that 15 minutes of laughter is as good for the heart as 30 minutes of exercise.
Still, you shouldn’t dismiss dramatic films just because they’re sad. Sad movies have been shown to have a chemical effect on the brain. According to the findings of researchers at Oxford University, the production of endorphins (a hormone associated with a higher pain threshold) can be stimulated by viewing a frightening video. This means that even if you’re feeling down, it might be good to see a sad movie.